603-471-0724 tim@elitefitnessnh.com

Helping you achieve your goals, one step at a time.

Elite Testimonials

The Challenge

Here at Elite Personal Training and Fitness, clients entrust us to help design a complete program specifically tailored to their individual and personal training and fitness goals. We listen carefully, assess your needs and understand that your situation is unique to you. You are not alone in the process. We make every effort to be your trusted partner in helping you achieve the results you desire. Your goals may be unique, but we find the answers to your personal fitness challenges and goals.

The Solution

When you commit to a healthy and more fit lifestyle, our team here at Elite Personal Training and Fitness works closely with you to design your specific program toward your fitness and health success. We design programs for weight loss, rehabilitation purposes, pre and post surgery strengthening, nutritional coaching, disability programs, partnership programs and so much more. We have the solution for ALL your health and fitness goals. We aim for results. Our testimonials say it all.

Our clients get results. Here's what they are saying!

I can’t thank Anastasia and the team at Elite Fitness enough for the progress I have made and continue to make.

~ Paul Belanger

Meet Paul Belanger.

After years at mostly working behind a desk or the wheel of a truck I began to have some minor health issues.  I joined one of the “big” gyms and tried for years there with no real progress.  Then when talking with a friend that had just joined up with Elite and said it was a great place, close and never over crowded I decided to look into it.

After a little thought I walked into Elite Fitness, spoke with Brian about a membership and some personal training.  I decided to sign up and get some proper training with trainer Anastasia that I previous never had.   I was a bit nervous at my first session and could not do very much.  I was awkward and clumsy however Anastasia made me feel very comfortable and reassured me that I was doing fine and we would work together and see progress.  Working with Anastasia I am pushed to limits far beyond I ever thought possible or that I was even capable of.

I joined in February 2016 and have been training with Anastasia since.  I have lost weight, gained strength, muscle and reversed the minor health issues that started to creep up.  I feel that I am in the best physical shape that I have been in for years if not ever.

I can’t thank Anastasia and the team at Elite Fitness enough for the progress I have made and continue to make.  It was one of the best decisions I have ever made!

Anastasia, to me, is more than my personal trainer…she is my friend, my support and my motivation.


~ Toni Provencher

Meet Toni Provencher.

From June 2010 until September 2015, my focus was on work and obtaining my college degree, leaving room for very little else in my life. While it was certainly time and money well spent, the pride of accomplishment in achieving this goal was diminished by the realization that I had paid a heavier price than tuition and loss of personal time. I had forgotten to take care of myself.

One evening, while traveling for work, I found the website for Elite and decided to contact Tim. I told him a bit about myself and what I hoped to achieve. His response put me immediately at ease. Tim recommended partnering with Anastasia since he felt that our energy and personalities would be a good match for my fitness goals.

In September of 2015, I had my first session with Anastasia. I was nervous and unsure of myself…and extremely clumsy. If I recall correctly, I fell at least twice…injuring my pride but nothing else. Fortunately, Anastasia was very patient and motivating. Her constant encouragement and support allowed me to go beyond my normal comfort zone while never compromising my safety. Previously, my only experience with a “personal” trainer had not felt personal at all. Upon arriving for those sessions, I received instructions on what to do while the trainer stood by to observe. Once the session was concluded, I did not see that trainer again until our next appointment.

My experience with Anastasia is very different. She is my partner in fitness and committed to my health every step of the way. Three days a week, I get up at 5 a.m., drive twenty minutes to Elite to meet with Anastasia for our hour-long workout. We work out hard; I don’t want to let her down so I make sure to give it everything I’ve got during our time together.

During the week, when I am not at the gym, I feel the same sense of team effort as we focus together on how I should eat. Her dedication extends to regularly checking in with me to see how I am doing and to give me motivation. Today, I feel amazing. I have lost almost twenty pounds and while I still want to lose a bit more to hit my personal weight goal, it’s incredible how much stronger and healthier I feel already. The physical self-improvements I have made since starting at Elite and working with Anastasia are amazing and I have never regretted the decision I made nearly six months ago. I cannot thank Anastasia enough for what she has done and what she continues to do for me. To me, she is more than my personal trainer…she is my friend, my support and my motivation. I know that I can be anything I want to be as long as I have the courage to try.


Hats off to Elite PT & Fitness and Coach Dave for getting me on the right track to fitness and good health!

~ Jay Piccola

Meet Jay – 63.

My journey with Elite Personal Training and Fitness began after returning from a company outing in Jamaica in March, 2016. On the return flight, I shared with my wife that I was upset with myself that I couldn’t partake in all of the activities that had been planned due to my knees hurting so much.

I have had one total knee replacement, and in need of getting one on the opposite knee. I have also had a total hip replacement. After the knee replacement, there were complications lengthening my convalescent period over many months. I am normally an active person, but became almost totally inactive due to all the problems and pain. My weight was slowly increasing, but well-hidden on my 6’6” frame. My wife convinced me to stop feeling sorry for myself and go see a personal trainer.

I was referred to Elite Personal Training and Fitness. I visited the club in early April, 2016. I spoke with Tim, the owner and CEO. He proceeded to outline the benefits of the club and training. He emphasized how the program would benefit me and the challenges that I was dealing with.

He referred me to Coach Dave Provins who has the experience, knowledge, and knowhow to help me achieve my goals. I met Dave, and the first thing he did was give me the TLS 21-day fat-loss nutrition program. This was a simple, easy to follow, effective program. It is based on boosting metabolism naturally and placing the body in a fat-burning state. I was blown away by the results!

Along with the nutrition program, we embarked upon a 3 day/week fitness training schedule. I think Coach Dave would tell you that I am coachable and not afraid of hard work. I played a little professional basketball, and know what it means to push myself.

I was religious with the nutrition program, as well as, my scheduled training sessions with Dave…which I must admit took much will power and schedule adjustments. But, I stayed with it…many times leaving the gym weary after lifting a medicine ball overhead and slamming it or working with those #@%& ropes! It has all paid off! Firstly, I am still on a modified version of the nutrition plan. Secondly, I look forward to my sessions with Dave…. does that make me some kind of masochist? (I’ll leave that up to you).

He pushes me every session. Thirdly, after less than 5 months, I have lost 51 pounds, feel better than I have in years, and unfortunately (or fortunately?) buying a whole new wardrobe!

I still need the knee surgery, but the pain is less severe and there is a “bounce” in my step now! With my weight loss and strength gains, I know recovery from my next surgery will be much easier than before!

Hats off to Elite PT & Fitness…and especially Coach Dave for getting me on the right track to fitness and good health! Whether Dave likes it or not, he has a client for many years to come!


Working with Cynthia has brought me to a whole new level of fitness. I have lost 12lbs and I’m down 3 dress sizes.

~ Susan Mooney

Meet Susan Mooney.

Working with Cynthia has brought me to a whole new level of fitness. I have lost 12lbs and I’m down 3 dress sizes. With Cynthia’s motivation and guidance, she has shown me that I can be pushed outside my comfort zone. To think that I have overcome ankle and shoulder surgery and today I can run 3 miles, do pushups and jump rope, I LOVE IT!

Cynthia has also helped monitor my eating habits to better control my weight. Eating and activity level work together. It’s a lot of work but well worth it. I am an early riser and Cynthia trained me at 5am, now that’s dedication from a personal trainer.

At 62, I am not on any medication. Considering my family history, that is an accomplishment in itself. I plan on being active with my grandchildren, to watch them grow up and play with them.

My advice to anyone would be to get moving, the sooner the better. No matter what condition you are in, Cynthia will find something you can do. Elite and Cynthia have helped me work through my weaknesses and look at me now!

I cannot thank Tim enough for being so nice…pairing me with the perfect coach and thank you Dave for helping me live pain free!!!

~ Jeanette

Meet Jeanette – 54.

I’ve been working out at Elite Personal Training & Fitness with trainer, Dave Provins since March 2016. When I first reached out through the website (www.elitefitnessnh.com) I was asked why I chose Elite and what was I looking to accomplish.

First, I was never one to exercise but had decided to get up off the couch and join a group training facility where I would work out on a selected night twice a week. Though I learned to love working out and feeling my body transform into something I hadn’t seen in a long time, after six months, I was having

Meet Jeanette – 54. (continued)

severe issues with my back. I have lower disc issues, and even though there are well educated trainers on site, these were group sessions where you are left to train while they watch over everyone and there could be up to 20 people in one session. I realized I needed to have a trainer pay attention to me and only me to make sure I was training properly so as not to injure myself any worse than the injury I have.

After a brief summary of my situation I received a phone call from the owner of Elite Personal Training & Fitness, Tim Whitcomb. Tim and I talked for about 45 minutes. After explaining the issues with my back and wanting to lose these stubborn pounds that seem to be lingering, Tim immediately said “I have just the trainer for you.” I made an appointment to go in and see Dave Provins the very next day.

Dave sat down with me and we spoke for almost two hours about the injury to my back as well as my lack of nutritional knowledge. He had asked me about what my expectations were and what I was looking for. My goal is to eliminate the shots, or at best cut down on the frequency of them. I was also looking to work towards my goal of losing a few pesky pounds and eating healthier. I am addicted to sugar and Dave told me he would have me off sugar in less than a month. My first reaction was yeah right! My second reaction was, I’m only here for you to make me stronger then I’m going to try and go back to my group training; which he was fine with. He was interested in helping me get stronger and regaining core strength so my back wouldn’t hurt and I could potentially stop taking the shots. I immediately signed up for 32 sessions and would train twice a week with Dave.

First…I’m off Sugar! Not completely mind you, but wow, what a difference it has made


Meet Jeanette – 54. (continued)

in my mind and in making healthier choices. Don’t get me wrong, I eat sweets, but in a whole different and healthier way (yes, there is such a thing). I’ve also learned how to eat cleaner, who needs processed foods? Blech!! Dave told me I would get to a point where I would be excited about planning my meals and he is right. I’m having fun while preparing my food and trying different things (I WAS a picky eater). There is a whole world of good healthy food out there, No Kidding!!

This is not the only thing that is going on with my training at Elite. Dave has gotten me to the point where I don’t feel the daily pain I was in. Literally, no pain! For me to be able to go days on end without the constant pain I felt in my lower back is beyond amazing. The doctors are even thrilled with my progress. I was getting towards the end of my sessions and just signed up for more! I also try using the gym on days I don’t have a session with Dave. With an Elite Personal Training & Fitness membership, you have the gym assessable to you 24/7 which gives me the flexibility to come and go as I please. The only schedule I have to deal with is my one on one which I look forward to every week because I am not only challenged, but I learn new things about health, fitness and myself along the way.

I cannot thank Tim enough for being so nice and listening to me from the start and pairing me with the perfect coach and thank you Dave for helping me live pain free!!! I pinch myself because it’s been forever since I’ve felt this good. Do yourself a favor, if you are thinking of doing something to help yourself and you are driving yourself crazy trying to find the right place, stop thinking about it and give Elite Personal Training & Fitness a call. Trust me it will change your life…for the better!

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